Our V1 Aggregates, Historic Trades, and Historic Quotes APIs will be deprecated by the end of this year in favor of V2 Aggregates, Historic Trades, and Historic Quotes APIs beginning 01/01/2020.

Customers can continue to use the V1 endpoints until 12/31/2019. We will also continue to offer support for the V1 endpoints until 12/31/2019.

Our V2 APIs are built from the ground up and will give customers more flexibly and better service moving forward. We encourage users to switch to using the V2 endpoints as soon as possible.

For more details and examples please visit:

V2 Aggregates: https://polygon.io/docs/stocks/get_v2_aggs_ticker__stocksTicker__range__multiplier___timespan___from___to

V2 Historic Trades: https://polygon.io/docs/stocks/get_v2_ticks_stocks_trades__ticker___date

V2 Historic Quotes: https://polygon.io/docs/stocks/get_v2_ticks_stocks_nbbo__ticker___date